The school has a strong musical tradition established by the Romilly Boys' Choir who, under the guidance of W. M. Williams became world famous during the 1920's and 1930's.
Music is still a very important part of our school life with extra curricular activities such as the choir and recorder groups.
Children also have the opportunity to learn the keyboard, guitar and drums through the Cardiff and Vale Music Service (CAVMS).
Concerts are held throughout the year with a W. M. Williams Concert being held at the end of the summer term. At this concert music prizes are presented to children in Year 6.
Children have opportunities to listen to and enjoy good music, to take part in group singing and to play a variety of instruments, including tuned percussion, recorders and guitars.
There is a School Choir run by Mrs Roderick and year 3 to 6 children can go along to choir practise on a Thursday lunchtime in the lower school hall.