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Cymraeg yn Ysgol Romilly.

We want all pupils in Romilly Primary School to use their Welsh daily and to encourage others to use theirs too.

In January 2024, we achieved our Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award.  The aim of the awards is to develop bilingualism across the school and to play our part in helping the Welsh Government reach their aim of one million Welsh speakers by 2050.

In school, teachers use incidental Welsh in all lessons, and plan exciting opportunities to learn about our wonderful language and culture.  You will also see Welsh phrases displayed around the school.  We have a 'Criw Cymraeg' made up of members from Y2 class and up!  Their job is to promote the Welsh language by sharing our Brawddeg Yr Wythnos (Sentence of the Week), and to encourage both pupils and staff to use Welsh on a daily basis. They also work towards developing a strong Welsh ethos within the school.

How can you help?

Sut gallwch chi helpu?


  1. Use simple Welsh phrases.

Defnyddiwch ymadroddion Cymraeg syml.

  1. Watch Welsh TV gyda isdeitlau.

Gwyliwch teledu Cymraeg with subtitles.

  1. Use Welsh apps like Duolingo, Campau Cosmig

Defnyddiwch appiau Cymraeg fel Duolingo, Campau Cosmig.


Give it a go – Rhowch gynnig arni!



Shw mae


Good morning

Bore da

Bor-eh dah

Good afternoon

Prynhawn da

Prin-houn dah

Good night

Nos da

Norse dah




Thank you




Os gwelwch yn dda

Oss gwell-loo-ch-un-tha

Can I have….

Ga i ……

Gah ee …..



If you are a Welsh speaker and would like help us on our journey, please let the office or class teachers know and they will pass you onto the Welsh co-ordinators.

